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Olist Brazilian e-Commerce Dashboard

A dynamic and insightful dashboard for an e-commerce business



Olist Brazilian e-Commerce Dashboard is a project that utilizes real but anonymized data from Olist, Brazil's premier e-commerce platform. The project's objective was to create a dashboard that provides valuable insights.

With its features, this project is a great example of how businesses can empower themselves with analytics and expand their presence in a everchanging environment.


Data Source

The dataset used for this project was generously provided by Olist, which contains information on 100k orders from 2016 to 2018 made at multiple marketplaces in Brazil.


Key Features

  1. Interactive tools:

    Navigator Tab: Effortlessly switch between different sections for a holistic view of the data.

    Filters: Enable users to tailor the data view based on time, product, order, and customer.

  2. Metrics:

    Total Sales

    Total Freight

    Total Orders

    Total Distinct Orders

    Average Delivery Days

    Average Estimated Days

    Average Review Score

    Total Unique Reviews

  3. KPIs:

    Total Sales and Freights per Year and Month

    Top and Bottom 10 Product Categories by Sales

    Payment Method by Category

    Quantity of Products by Year

Sales Panel:


Logistic Panel:


Quality Panel:

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